Our bodies. Our families. Our communities.

Abortion is Under Attack in Arizona

No matter our race or income, our background or beliefs, we all want the freedom to decide whether and when to grow our families.

But Arizonans are seeing our rights taken away.

With Roe v Wade overturned, extremist state lawmakers are stopping people from getting the abortion care they need. In the months that followed the overturn of Roe, more Arizonans were denied abortion care than in 45 other states.

It’s up to us. We must join together to ensure people who need abortion care can get it safely, without fear of punishment.

It’s up to us!

Each of us has a role to play in ensuring people can access abortion care.

  • Donate to abortion funds:

  • Demand that our legislators stop attacking pregnant people and their doctors:

    Find Your AZ Legislator

  • Defend our clinics and our providers and make sure they keep their doors open to serve their communities:
    Keep Our Clinics

  • Vote to hold lawmakers accountable and join efforts to elect leaders who want to help Arizonans thrive:

    Arizona Voter Info

 What’s going on in Arizona?

Anti-abortion lawmakers have put nearly 40 abortion restrictions in place in Arizona:

  • Physicians are banned from providing abortion care to patients who are more than 15 weeks pregnant.

  • A Civil War era law from 1864 that was still on the books is now in effect, it is a total ban on abortion and applies to anyone providing abortion care who is not a physician, including anyone who provides medication abortion to someone.

  • Patients must undergo an unnecessary ultrasound, followed by a 24-hour waiting period, before receiving abortion care.

  • Medication abortion is banned from being prescribed remotely via telemedicine.

  • People under the age of 18 are required to get parental permission or navigate a complicated legal process to get a judge’s approval in order to receive abortion care.

  • Qualified, medically-trained providers such as registered nurses, registered nurse midwives, and physician assistants are banned from offering abortion care.

  • State Medicaid, plans through the state health insurance exchange, and policies for public employees do not cover abortion care.

  • Any medical facility or health care worker may refuse to provide abortion care or contraception to patients.

Much of the above is from the ACLU of Arizona

What are extremist politicians trying to do now?

During the 2023 anti-abortion lawmakers are trying to sneakily enact “personhood” laws. These laws circumvent court rulings and treat an embryo or fetus as a person under the law. The end game is to outlaw abortion and control pregnant bodies.

These same legislators are attacking trans people, targeting drag performers, and undermining education. We need laws that help people, not harass them!

Good policies need your support!

Responsible lawmakers are trying to enact good laws that will actually help people and support their bodily autonomy.

It’s up to us!
Make your voice heard.

Contact your legislators and tell them you oppose efforts to restrict abortion and “personhood” bills. Tell them you oppose efforts to harass trans and queer people. Tell them to get to work improving the lives of Arizonans, not attacking them.
